Are you passionate about wildlife conservation and have groundbreaking research, insightful case studies, or compelling perspectives to share? We invite you to submit your abstracts for the International Symposium on Biodiversity Wildlife Conservation. This is your chance to be a part of a diverse and global community dedicated to protecting our planet’s precious flora and fauna. Whether you specialize in biodiversity preservation, climate change impacts, indigenous knowledge, or collaborative strategies, we want to hear from you! Selected abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work in front of an esteemed audience of international conservation leaders and make a lasting impact on the future of wildlife conservation.
a. About
All the accepted papers will be submitted for possible inclusion in indexed and high-impact journals. Submission of an abstract to the symposium implies that it has not been submitted elsewhere. We kindly provide full support*) for 40-50 high-quality selected abstracts/papers to be published in the reputable International Journals. Here we summarize the list of objective journals as follows**):
- Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity (
- Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology (
- Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan (
- Taprobanica The Journal of Asian Biodiversity (
- HAYATI Journal of Biosciences ( or
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline on August 25th 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance on August 27th 2023
Full paper submission deadline on September 1st 2023
The final draft will be submitted to the publisher after the ISWBC activity. Selected papers or manuscripts that have been submitted to the destination journal will be published depending on the length of the review process by the publisher. Furthermore, the correspondence process is carried out between the author and the publisher respectively.
b. Author Guidelines
- The abstract topic should conform to the scope of the conference/symposium and publisher.
- The submitted abstract must be original work and should not have been previously published or presented elsewhere.
- All manuscripts must be written in English and must be prepared on A4 Size (single column, double spacing), with 1-inch margins in Microsoft Word document file format (.docx), typed with Times New Roman font size 11 pt.
- The abstract must be prepared in English and contain the following sections:
- Introduction / Background / Justification
- Objective(s)/Hypothesis(es)
- Methods
- Results
- Implications/Conclusions
c. Peer-Review
The submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on relevance and timeliness, technical content and scientific rigor, novelty and originality, and their quality of presentation. All the submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by an expert panel, and the selected full manuscript will be submitted to suitable journals. All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the editorial boards of each journal.
d. Publication Ethics
- Authorship and contributorship: Contributors are either author contributors or non-author contributors. Non-author contributors are those who helped in carrying out the research and they can be appreciated at the acknowledgements statement at the end of the paper
- Policy on intellectual property: The author must take the responsibility of their results, data, figures in the submitted manuscript have not been published elsewhere, nor are they under consideration (from you or one of your contributing authors) by another publisher. This policy ensures that contributors who have made substantive intellectual contributions to an article are given credit and that contributors understand their role in taking responsibility and being accountable for what is published.
*) Full support:
Free APC (Author Publication Charges) for public participant;
Free registration, accommodation, APC for college student edition
**)Destinated journal will be updated regularly