Call for Abstract: College Student Edition

Are you passionate about wildlife conservation and have groundbreaking research, insightful case studies, or compelling perspectives to share?
We invite all of college student (Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral student) to submit your abstracts for the International Symposium on Biodiversity Wildlife Conservation. This is your chance to be a part of a diverse and global community dedicated to protecting our planet’s precious flora and fauna. Whether you specialize in biodiversity preservation, climate change impacts, indigenous knowledge, or collaborative strategies, we want to hear from you!

We kindly provide full support for high-quality selected abstracts/papers to be published in the reputable International Journal.*)

Make sure to follow the schedule and provided guidelines for formatting and content. Be sure to seize these opportunities to contribute to a global movement and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about safeguarding our natural world. We eagerly anticipate your submissions and look forward to an unforgettable gathering at the International Symposium on Wildlife Biodiversity Conservation!

Please visit our link at or scan the QR below

*) Full support:
Free registration fee
Free accommodation and transportation to ISWBC venue
Free APC (Author Publication Charge)


Please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee via email ( with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you at the ISWBC 2023 Conference!​

The Organizing Committee