• I plan to submit two abstracts, do I have to register twice? YES
  • I plan to submit abstract, but can I register as non-presenter? YES
  • When have multiple authors, do I need to pay for all the authors? NO, only for the presenting author (in case other authors not participate)
  • If other authors want to participate, do they need to pay? YES, they have to register as participant only
  • Does my supervisor (or other author) can register for abstracts on behalf of the presenter? NO, only the presenter must register for abstract. Others can register as participants only.
  • Where my manuscript will be published? If your manuscript was accepted to be presented in the conference, you still have to attend the conference so that we can continue the script to the next stage.
  • Where can I download the template? We include a link to the destination journal so you can download the writing template.
  • I have made a registration payment, but cannot attend the presentation. Can I get the certificate? NO, if you are unable to attend the presentation for any reason, the certificate will not be issued. And payments are non-refundable.